Posted on Sep 27, 2018
Peg Duenow, Enock Ugulumu
Dr. Enock Ugulumu,  Managing Director of Iringa Hope  gave us an updated on our Global Grant project..
Dr. Enock shared that Iringa Hope is a US, non-profit corporation dedicated to raising the standard of living in rural Tanzania through small loans to farmers and shopkeepers. Rural Tanzania is one of the poorest regions in the world.
Currently, the results of the funding:
  • $200,000 grant became $340,000 with matched funds
  • 5-year growth will become $1,700,000
  • 774 members received loans ( 307 females; 467 males)
  • Members average income increased from $300 USD per year to $900 + USD per year.
  • Rotary grant has sent 1,313 children to school! (over 5-years the grant is expected to send 6,565 childrend to school)
  • This means: Family members will have better access to health and eduction; improved buildings;  Improved decision making at the family level; improved employment opportunities; improved household income and savings .